Opening your heart and home to a newborn is an easy decision. Unfortunately, sometimes becoming pregnant can be a challenge. It is estimated that nearly 15% of all couples struggle to conceive.
If you are struggling to conceive, don’t worry. Becoming frustrated will only add to your stress levels and make getting pregnant even more difficult. The first step when trying to conceive is to relax and be patient. Taking proper care of yourself will help increase your chances of creating a healthy baby.
When all else fails, book an appointment with a fertility clinic. These specialists will be able to further assist you with your fertility issues. They can devise a pregnancy plan that works with your lifestyle.
Before beginning an IVF regimen, you can try a few natural techniques to help increase your fertility. These techniques may improve your chances of becoming pregnant. Here is a guide on how to naturally increase fertility:
1. Manage your weight
One of the most significant factors that contribute to fertility is weight. Women who are either significantly overweight or underweight have a much more difficult time trying to conceive.
Your body’s fat levels play a role in hormone production and your menstrual cycle. Your weight may prevent your body from ovulating or cause impaired egg development.
2. Watch your diet
Certain foods can impact your body’s ability to become pregnant. High fat, high sugar, and highly processed foods won’t give your body the nourishment to regulate hormone levels and boost your fertility.
Instead, choose whole foods filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fuel your body—select lean meats, fruits and veggies, and foods high in fibre.
3. Stop smoking
Smoking can be hazardous to your reproductive health. Whether you smoke tobacco or marijuana, these products can decrease both the number and health of a woman’s eggs.
4. Cut out alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol can negatively affect your fertility levels. If you are trying to conceive, cut back on alcohol and drink as little as possible.
Enjoying a glass of wine now and then is fine, but frequent or binge drinking will complicate becoming pregnant.
5. Take your vitamins
It can be challenging to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs from food alone. Taking a prenatal vitamin rich in iron, folic acid, and other essential micronutrients boost your health and fertility levels.
6. Get your exercise
Moderate physical exercise can help you manage your weight and balance your hormones. It also decreases stress and improves your overall health. Adding moderate physical activity to your routine a few times per week can help improve your chances of becoming pregnant.
7. Manage your stress
Life can be stressful. Dealing with fertility issues can add to that stress, making it even more difficult to become pregnant. When you become anxious and worried, your hormone levels can worsen. This impairs your ability to conceive.
Try taking time out of your day to relax. Stress reduction techniques like meditation and yoga can help make you feel more balanced and easier to deal with stressful situations.
8. Don’t use the microwave
Food that has been heated in the microwave may hurt your ability to conceive. Microwaves alter your food at a cellular level and decrease its nutritional value.
Studies have also shown microwaves may lead to certain types of cancer. Avoid using the microwave as much as possible when trying to get pregnant.
9. Limit caffeine
Numerous studies have been conducted on the correlation between fertility and caffeine intake. Many of these studies show that increased caffeine consumption can make it more difficult to get pregnant.
To improve your chances of conceiving, limit the amount of caffeine you drink. Substitute coffee with herbal teas and pop with flavoured water.
10. Get lots of rest
Your body needs lots of rest to function properly. This is especially true when you are trying to conceive. Getting sufficient levels of sleep can help balance your hormones and improve your reproductive health.
Having a good night’s rest also lets you manage your stress levels better and improves your mood. Aim to get at least eight hours of sleep each night, especially if you are trying to get pregnant.
11. Avoid lubricants
Vaginal lubricants may affect your ability to become pregnant. Some lubricants may decrease the quality of sperm or may inhibit its ability to move. This can make getting pregnant much more difficult.
12. Use holistic therapies
If you have difficulty conceiving, numerous holistic therapies can help. Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, and acupuncture can increase your fertility levels and help you manage your stress.