Five College and University Tips for Students Who Are Disorganized

Lack of organization makes everything you do in college a little more difficult, but you can easily become more organized if you know how. College students have a lot on their plates, but the more organized you are, the more free time you’ll have to do something important. Whether it’s downloading virtual reminders or using the occasional custom essay writing service, there are things you can do to save time and become more organized in your day-to-day life, and below are a few tips that can help.

1. Always Have a Planner

Many colleges today pass out free planners at the beginning of each semester to their students, but even if you have to pay for one, it’s worth it to have some type of planner – and to use it on a daily basis. You can use a digital planner if you prefer, but a physical planner sometimes makes it easier to look ahead so you can see what’s coming up in the weeks and months ahead. Owning and using a planner is the main point here because planners definitely keep students well-organized.

2. Set Goals on a Daily Basis

Everyone knows how important setting goals is, but a lot of people only set goals that are far away. Instead, you should go ahead and set goals for every day of the week. Not only does it keep you more organized, but it helps you get a feeling of accomplishment once the goals are met. Your goals can be simple or complex or might involve something you only do occasionally – think hiring a custom essay writing service – but you’ll be more in control with a daily to-do list.

3. Make Sure Your Work and Study Area Is Neat

This might not sound like a big deal, but study after study has shown that when people work or study in clean and neat surroundings, they have a tendency to become much more efficient. Clean your space regularly and get rid of junk that doesn’t need to be there. Make it both clean and uncluttered, and you’ll be surprised by how much more organized you are with your daily tasks and how much time you’ll save.

4. Always Prepare the Night Before

Mornings can be hectic and therefore, some pre-planning can make a big difference. Each evening before you go to bed, set out your clothes for the next day, set out your books and supplies, and go over your list of goals for the following day. This can save you tons of time in the morning and might even mean that you can drink your coffee the next morning uninterrupted and with very little stress.

5. Colour Code Your Day Planner

To further organize your day planner, consider using different coloured pens for each activity. It makes reading your planner a little easier on your eyes and does a great job of allowing you to see how much of your day each activity will take. If you decide to occasionally hire a custom essay writing service or schedule a meeting, make sure that is listed in a different colour as well.