You’ve signed the documents and picked up the keys to your new home. Now, all that’s left to do is to put your trust in your Mover as they transfer your belongings to your new home. If you’re lucky, you may not suffer any mishaps, but understanding these four mistakes will help make the transition easier.
1. Failing to Plan Ahead
When moving in Canada, whether it’s across town or to another province, it’s not a good idea to ‘wing it’. Before packing your belongings, find out when local moving companies are the busiest and plan accordingly. Will the utilities be switched automatically? Did you officially change your address? If you’re required to give notice, do so, and be sure to allow enough time to clean your home if you’re terminating a lease.
2. Assuming There’s Enough Time
Don’t leave everything until the last minute, or else you’ll be sorting through your stuff when the Calgary movers arrive. When there’s a lot of work to be done, it can’t always be put off until tomorrow. The best moves are often planned months in advance, and there’s nothing wrong with getting a head start on packing. Whether you’re hiring professionals or doing everything yourself, it’s important to stick to a schedule.
3. Not Cutting the Clutter
Do you absolutely have to keep all those old vinyl records you’ve had since college? Moving is the perfect time to get rid of things you aren’t using and don’t need. As you’re packing your belongings, ask whether you really need it; if you don’t, put it in a pile to sell, donate, or recycle. The less stuff you have, the less there is to pack and move!
4. Getting Stressed Out
As with other things in life, a positive attitude makes all the difference. If you start your moving day with a great deal of stress, you’re simply setting the tone for the rest of the move. It’s important to be prepared, but it’s equally vital to stay flexible and to deal with challenges as they arise. Do your best to stay motivated, but don’t forget to consider your family’s needs and the needs of your Mover as well.
It can be quite stressful to move an entire house full of belongings, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. By avoiding these mistakes and working with moving professionals, Canadian families can enjoy a hassle-free relocation experience.