4 Reasons to Take a Business Course

Business in the 21st century is rapidly changing, becoming more technology-oriented and internationalized each year. If you are building a business career, it might be advisable to take a big data course like Statistics to better understand how data works in the business world. You can also learn what you need to know to work with data in your career.

1. Update your comprehension

If you earned a college degree or got hired in your present job a few years ago, chances are that big data technology that you initially learned has already changed dramatically. Before further changes evolve, this is a good time to enroll in a business course at the local college or with an accredited business seminar to update your understanding of current data processes.

2. Learn how to utilize data

In addition to understanding how data is used in the business world, it is also important to know how to use it in your present job or future considerations. Collected data, while valuable, is fairly useless unless it is evaluated according to meaningful criteria. Data analysis is a vital skill in many key industries, so knowing how to utilize it can give you an edge over the competition and prepare you to grow with your company.

3. Expand your career skills

Data plays a critical role in various occupations. While it may be possible to avoid working with raw data in your industry, the ability to make sense of it to help your department or organization can be extremely helpful. Data can be used for purposes like customer assessment, quality control, financial forecasting, and many others. You will become an even more valued employee by increasing your job skills and learning how to navigate various sets of data.

4. Prepare for the next step

If you want to move forward in your career or are thinking of changing jobs in the future, taking a big data course is a great asset to add to your vita. Passing the course with a high grade could give you an edge over other applicants when it comes time for employee merit review, promotion, or moving to another company. Employees who can handle data are generally sought in just about every major occupation.

Whether you know nothing or little about big data, consider enrolling in a business course to brush off your skills and learn the newest trends and tools. You will likely become a more valuable employee or candidate.

4 Areas of Commercial Litigation Law That Cover Businesses

If you need the services of a commercial litigation lawyer, you normally need his or her expertise to keep your own professional reputation intact. This is especially important if you are a developer or you own several commercial properties. When disputes arise, as they often do, you need to have access to commercial litigation expertise. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with the various areas that this type of law covers.

1. Breaches of Contract

This is often a commercial litigation area that is addressed. A contract breach occurs when one or more parties to an agreement do not meet its terms. Even if an express contract is not made, a party may recover based on certain legal theories. For example, you may recover the value of improvements for a property or for services that have already been rendered. In promissory estoppel cases, you as a plaintiff, may claim that the defendant made a promise that he or she did not enforce and that you wish to have the promise enforced.

In other cases, you may have to deal with a dispute where the other party claims that you made a breach. If so, you can obtain all the necessary advice you need when you consult with a lawyer who deals with business contracts. You also need the services of a commercial litigation specialist when you are signing an agreement. You need to make sure that you know what you are signing and that it will be fair to you.

2. Partner or Member Disagreements

Even when a business relationship is considered healthy, partners can still disagree on some things legally. When this happens, you need to request the services of a mediator, who is a lawyer who can serve as an objective third party. For example, the partners in a partnership as well as the members of a limited liability company owe a fiduciary duty to the entity or to one another. Part of a fiduciary duty includes good faith or fair dealing practices.

Therefore, members of companies and partners are expected to behave fairly and are obligated to act truthfully as well. In turn, they are expected to place their business interests over their own interests and act with reasonable care. In addition, they are expected to provide full disclosure, an obligation where each party is expected to provide complete information. This information is required so all the parties can make healthy and correct decisions. A partnership agreement or operating agreement can outline each of the party’s obligations in this respect.

3. Employment Disputes

You can also use the services of a commercial litigation specialist to resolve disputes with employees. For example, if an employee files a claim that states he or she was wrongfully fired or was subjected to hostile working conditions, you can receive the proper legal advice and help.

4. Wage and Hours Disputes

Besides major disagreements, you can also use the services of a commercial litigation lawyer to solve any wage and hour disputes or disputes that involve compensation. He or she can

help you resolve any differences along these lines and take care of disagreements that involve benefits or discrepancies in pay.

4 Tips When Running Your Air Conditioner

You love the air conditioner in your home because it is responsible for keeping temperatures cool during hotter months. While at the beginning of the season you could feel the cool air in your home no matter what area in the house you were, as of late you notice that the unit is not bringing temperatures down as it should despite continuous operation. This is because even if your air conditioner is running around the clock, it will not reach the desired temperatures if certain steps are not taken. Below are 4 tips that if followed will allow your air conditioning unit to run as effectively as possible and allow your home to reach cooler temperatures.

1. Keep windows shut

Keeping doors and windows closed when you have your air conditioner running is common sense. However, some homeowners do not see the value in doing thing and keep them open or they may have spouses or children who open them and fail to close them again. Having your doors and windows open with the air conditioner on will fail to cool down the home as all of the cool air escapes through these areas.

When running your air conditioner, you need to keep all doors and windows closed. Even if you think they are closed, perform periodic checks in all rooms of the home. You may find on occasion that cool air is escaping through open doors and windows.

2. Close some vents

When your air conditioner runs, it is pretty efficient in providing cool air to all areas of the home. While this sounds beneficial, sometimes some areas of the home enjoy cooler air more than others. This can be problematic when the most popular, high-traffic rooms in your house are not cooling down while others that are used less are.

While your air conditioner is running, pay close attention to whether the rooms you use frequently are getting cooler. If they are not, you may want to do a check around the home to see where the cool air is going. If a lot of air is being pumped into little used rooms or the basement, close these vents off. This will re-route the air to the rooms that you want to feel it in the most.

3. Keep air filters clean

Your air conditioner has an air filter that captures a lot of dust and dirt. These ensure that clean, fresh, cool air permeates the house but they are ineffective in doing so when they are dirty and a lot of debris is stuck in their fins.

To ensure the air from your air conditioner is able to enter uninhibited into your home, you need to wash and replace your HVAC filters regularly. You can probably get away with washing the filters at least monthly but they need to replaced quarterly and bi-monthly if you have furry pets. The few minutes it takes you to wash or replace the air filter will ensure the air conditioner is not being overworked trying to push the air through the filters and will save you air conditioning repair Oshawa or replacement later on.

4. Keep unit clear

Just like you have to worry about air getting through your filters indoors, you need to be equally concerned about air getting into the unit from the outside too. If the air pathway to the unit is kept clear, it will not have to work as hard to cool down your home.

Every so often, inspect your air conditioner unit outside. Pay close attention to any leaves, grass, or other debris that may be preventing air from getting in. Make sure that if there are any trees or shrubs in the area that they leave at least 2 feet of space around the unit. This will make your unit run efficient and able to transfer air from the outside to the interior of your home.

5 Interesting Facts About Sheet Metal Fabrication

A great many things in our world are made of sheet metal. For example, many vehicles, cars, buildings, and airplanes are made with sheet metal. There are many different methods used for sheet metal fabrication, and an endless number of things to know and learn about the processes. Here are a few:

1. Sheet metal thicknesses differ

Not all sheet metal is exactly the same. Sheet metal can be made very, very thin or fairly thick. The thickness of any given sheet metal is measured in millimetres except in the United States where it is measured by guage. However, the guage of a metal changes depending on the type of metal it is, and it is not considered the best way to measure the thickness of sheet metal.

In sheet metal fabrication, very thin sheet metals are called leaf or foil sheet metal, which anything thicker than 6 mm is called plate sheet metal.

2. Sheet metal is made out of different types metals

In sheet metal fabrication, different metals can be made into sheet metal to accommodate the needs of the product being made. Sheet metal can be made of copper, aluminium, stainless steel, galvanized steel, zinc, brass, tin, nickel. Even silver, platinum and gold can be made into sheet metal.

3. There are multiple ways to cut sheet metal

Many methods have been developed for cutting sheet metal. Depending on the type of metal, a different cutting method may be preferred. If the metal is soft and the cutting method is too rough, it could dent or damage the metal and it would no longer be usable.

One way to cut sheet metal is with special scissors or blades meant for cutting sheet metal. These “tinsnips” or “aviation snips” as they are commonly called, cut sheet metal easily but are usually better for thinner or softer sheet metals. This is a way that is accessible to everybody as tinsnips are an easily accessible tool.

Other ways to cut sheet metal include sawing, water jets, lasers and fire or heat. Some of these methods are less accessible and require special machinery to be able to do them in such a way that the cut would come out precise and clean.

4. Sheet metal is very versatile

With all of those different methods of cutting, pretty much any shape can be cut out of any thickness of sheet metal. There are even more processes used to bend and shape that sheet metal into whatever it needs to be. As such, sheet metal is a very useful material that can be used for anything, big or small. Depending on the material used, it can be very durable or very malleable, so there is no limit to what it can be used for. As such, sheet metal is used in almost every industry and sector.

5. It takes a lot to make it usable

Sheet metal fabrication is no easy task. When sheet metal is being used to create something, it must be rough cut first – this means a big piece must be cut from the whole sheet or roll. This makes it easier to form. Then pieces are either cut off or punched out of it to create all the pieces that are needed to create whatever product is being made. They may also need to be bent in addition to being cut. Next, different pieces must be connected or attached with screws, rivets or by being welded. Finally, the final product gets the finishing touches. Often it is polished and smoothed to remove any imperfections, and sometimes it is painted to help combat corrosion and to make it look perfect.

The Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Commercial Litigator for Business Disputes

Businesses should take any legal dispute seriously. The cost of a lawsuit or the resulting outcome could jeopardize the future of a business. Waiting too long to get a lawyer involved decreases the chance of a favourable outcome as lawyers need time to review the facts of the case. These disputes often require a commercial litigation lawyer to explore all possible solutions, including negotiations or mediations.

1. Partnership or Shareholder Disputes

Shareholder disputes can occur for a variety of reasons. Shareholders may disagree over violations of business operations or breaches of fiduciary duties. When these issues are not immediately resolved, they may become a major dispute. These problems are often caused by a misunderstanding of details outlined in the shareholder agreements.

A commercial litigator can review the agreements and help determine the legal duties of all parties involved. In many cases, the dispute may get resolved without the need for litigation.

2. Disputes Over Intellectual Property

Many businesses depend on their intellectual property, especially in the technology and medical sectors. When multiple parties dispute the ownership or rights concerning an intellectual property, it is always advisable to contact a commercial litigation attorney.

As with most disputes, lawyers may find a clear-cut answer to the problem in the agreement. Lawyers are also available to help draft agreements concerning intellectual property to help avoid the likelihood of future disputes.

3. Legal Issues Related to Consumer Fraud

Consumer fraud is a very serious matter that may result in steep legal consequences for a company found guilty of committing fraud. When consumers claim that their rights or safety were violated by a company or the use of their products or services, the entire future of the company is at risk.

Consumer fraud cases can be quite complex and require experienced lawyers, especially if the fraud case is brought forward by a government agency.

4. Government Contract Disputes

Government contracts are highly regulated and complex. Due to the complexity, parties may disagree on the some of the finer details of the contract. When these disagreements lead to legal disputes, a commercial litigator can perform an investigation to determine if the contract was violated or if the plaintiff’s case has any merit.

5. Anti-Trust Legal Issues and Trade Issues


Trade and competition laws are designed to help create fair trade and maintain a competitive economy. Trade secrets, the theft of company secrets, and employee raiding are a few examples of common trade issues that may result in legal action.

When businesses face legal action related to anti-trust or trade laws, it is best to contact a lawyer to minimize risk. Lawyers can help companies avoid these lawsuits or aim for the dismissal of claims should the case go to court.

Always choose a commercial litigator for the resolution of disputes. Lawyers who have dealt with commercial disputes and fraud cases are better equipped to provide expert advice and help review all possible solutions. Businesses may avoid severe penalties or legal rulings by attempting to resolve the issue quickly with the assistance of an experienced commercial litigation attorney.

5 Things to Tell the Plumber to Report a Problem

When a pipe springs a leak or a toilet won’t stop running, it is probably time to call a plumber. In addition to mentioning the problem, you should organize several types of information to explain during the phone call or when the plumbing expert comes to your home for an inspection and possible maintenance or repair.

1. Time.

Reporting the time aspects of a plumbing issue is important in several ways. You should note when the problem began or when it was noticed, how often it occurs unless it is constant, and how long it lasts, if it is on and off. For example, leaky pipes are probably constant, but a belching or gurgling sound might be heard only after flushing the toilet. Similarly, if the problem occurs during a certain time of day or night, it should be mentioned.

2. Location.

Not only should you state where the immediate problem is located, such as the downstairs bathroom toilet overflowing or flooding under the kitchen dishwasher, but try to check for the source of the problem within the visible plumbing structure. You might also look for adjacent areas where related water issues are occurring, for example, a wet spot on the wall that that can be traced to a fragmented drip pattern on the ceiling.

3. Scope.

The scope of the problem includes any areas of the home that are impacted. If you want to report a water pressure problem in one of the showers, do the other showers have the same problem or is it limited to just one? If the basement floor drain is backed up, is the basement toilet also having problems?

4. Effects.

Mention the effects of the water problem, especially if they are interfering with daily activities. For example, if your home has just one toilet and it cannot be used due to a plumbing problem, the plumber should be told that so that an appointment can be quickly scheduled. You may be able to find more resources and insights at the Express Rooter website.

5. Explanation.

In general, explain when and how you noticed the plumbing problem, whether it seems to be localized or systemic throughout the plumbing system, and the degree to which it is impacting household activities. If you aren’t getting enough water pressure to drink tap water, that presents an immediate issue that requires prompt resolution.

Although the plumbing company will send experienced, well-trained technicians to examine the problem area and propose a solution, providing initial information may shorten the time it takes for the problem to be evaluated and addressed. Pay attention to details and take notes if warranted before calling the plumbers for assistance.

4 Tips for Choosing the Right Promotional Products for Your Business

You know you need to choose promotional products for your brand, but what kind of product will best meet your business objectives? You’ll have various items to choose from, including hats and t-shirts, pens and paper, and even frisbees and coffee cups. To get the most out of your marketing strategy, you must choose the right item. This process does require some deep thinking and diligent research. If you consider the following tips, then choosing the right promo product will be much easier.

1. Think about the Recipient

To achieve your marketing goals, you need to first understand your target market. Do some research to get a better feel for your audience. If you cater mostly to males, for example, then choose an item that will appeal to the male gender. Other factors to consider include your recipients’ industry, their interests, social status, age, occupation, etc. All of these can influence your decision when choosing the ideal promotional products to give away.

2. Be Unique

If you’re going to give out promotional products for free, then it’s highly recommended to avoid generic items. Rather, go for something unique—something that speaks to your business. This will leave lasting impressions on your customers and prospects and help you stay top of mind.

Giving out unique promotional products will make you stand out from your competitors. If you’re in the fitness industry, for example, don’t give out yet another t-shirt. Instead, go for a yoga mat or a water bottle. Think outside the box.

3. Plan for Longevity

Another thing to consider when choosing a promotional product is longevity. How long do you want your customers to hang on to your promotional items? Some products, such as bags and clothing, may last for many years. Customers or prospects will make good use of such items for an extended period. More so, an item that claims a specific spot in an office or living room can serve as a great reminder of how exceptional your products or services are.

Your main priority should be to keep your business relevant and etched in the minds of customers or prospects. This can’t be achieved if your promo item gets thrown in the trash the very next day.

4. Choose Relevant Products

Many businesses are guilty of this: Giving out irrelevant promotional products. Why give out items that will be of no use to your target customers? If your target customers don’t work on computers, why give them a mouse pad? That is a waste of time and resources. Instead, for instance, a company that specializes in the field of entertainment may consider gifting promotional products such as earbuds with its logo engraved on them. Giving out briefcases, in this case, is totally off the mark.

Give out promotional products that reflect your business. It should provide a clear mental picture of what your brand stands for. This is why you should choose relevant products.

When it comes to choosing a promotional product, it’s important to plan ahead. This will allow you more time to research unique and relevant products that will send the right message to your target market. Promotional products are an ideal way to advertise your business so make sure you choose wisely.

5 Realistic Career Options in Big Data

With big data analytics becoming more and more an essential part of any business or organization, jobs in big data are growing and so are salaries. The International Data Corporation expects analytics to grow into a $203 billion industry by 2020, and IBM estimates that jobs in the industry will expand from 2.3 to 2.7 million in the same time frame. High demand for these jobs along with the high productivity they offer ultimately means high salaries for individuals looking to enter the field of data analytics. Here are 5 of the best career options in big data to consider a big data course:

1. Big Data Engineer

Big data engineers can perform the same analysis as a data analyst but are mainly responsible developing, maintaining, and testing the performance of the big data solutions of a company. For this they require skills in software development and knowledge of the necessary hardware for developing data solutions. Big data engineers have knowledge of programming languages like Java, Linux, C++, PHP, Ruby, Python and R. The average salary for a big data engineer on Glassdoor is $138,000 a year.

2. Data Scientist

Data scientists are responsible for retrieving data for a company and determining the best ways to analyze it and create value out of it. Through data mining, they examine large and complex databases in order to generate new insights. Typically, a data scientist should be well-versed in machine learning tools and techniques, algorithms, and predictive models. The average salary for data scientist jobs on Glassdoor is $121,000 a year. Salaries for data scientists have seen the highest percentage increase of all big data jobs in recent years.

3. Data Architect

Data architects work with both with both the company management and big data analysts to design and maintain the company’s data architecture. Additionally, they are responsible for integrating data from multiple, unrelated data sources so that it can be used by data analysts and by those carrying out the business plans of the company. According to Glassdoor the average salary for data architect positions is $107,000.

4. Database Developer

Database developers analyze databases not for statistical purposes but for streamlining and updating them. They have computer skills in troubleshooting, getting rid of bugs and inefficient code, and managing security for databases. For this they need knowledge of the relevant computer programming languages. SQL is the most common programming language database developers use. Java, C++, Python, and Ruby are also useful languages for database developers. The average salary for database developers on Glassdoor is $86,000, and many can expect to earn over six figures, like the other fast growing big data jobs.

5. Data Analyst

Data analysts perform the majority of the statistical analysis that a company needs. Using the datasets provided to them, they can help a company make better decisions about how to determine prices, reduce costs, improve productivity and more. They are able to relay the methods and results of their analysis to company managers and employees in terms others can understand. Data analysts may have a bachelor’s degree in math, statistics, computer science or a related field. Taking a big data course helps as well. A master’s degree is required for most upper-level analyst jobs. Data analysts can expect to make between $65,000 to $120,000 a year.

4 Excellent Reasons to Invest in New Residential Windows Now

Have you taken a good look at each window in your home lately? Windows tend to wear out just like other features of the house. Now is a good time to consider having them replaced, especially if any of these four issues are present.

1. The Old Ones Don’t Work

Opening a window to let in some fresh air used to be easy. These days, it takes a lot of effort just to raise the sash. In some cases, you’ll also exert a lot of energy trying to close it later. You may find that getting it open is hard, but keeping it that way is even harder.

Windows that work properly are not a convenience; they are a necessity. Instead of putting up with the frustration that comes with sashes that don’t work properly, replace them. The cost per window will be more affordable than you think, and you can have fresh air without the hassle.

2. There’s a Draft

Even when every sash is closed, you still feel a draft. It’s worse when you stand near certain windows. Maybe that’s not a bid deal during the more moderate seasons, but those drafts make the house uncomfortable during summer and winter. The smart move is to replace those older window frames and sashes. Doing so will put an end to the drafts.

3. You’re Spending More on Heating and Cooling Costs

The reason your heating and cooling costs are steadily rising is not an increase in rates or a lack of insulation. Window frames and sashes that are in poor condition make it harder to control the temperature and humidity levels in the home. The heating and cooling system expends more energy in order to compensate. Instead of watching the utility bills continue to rise, look into a complete window replacement. You’ll see the difference in costs beginning with the first full billing cycle after the windows installation is finished.

4. The Old Windows Make the House Look Bad

No matter how much scraping, sanding, and painting you do, the older window frames and sashes still look a little tired. The visual effect is not limited to the sashes and frames. Even if the rest of the exterior is in excellent condition, they will make the entire home look a little less inviting and a little more in need of care. By opting for a full window replacement, the curb appeal of your home instantly improves. Even people who don’t immediately notice what you changed are likely to comment that the house looks better and ask what you’ve done.

These are only a few reasons to move forward with a window replacement project. Talk with a contractor and find out more about how the change will benefit you now and in the years to come. It won’t take long to decide that this is one home improvement project that should not wait.

7 Steps to Take Before Turning on Your Air Conditioner This Summer

To ensure that your air conditioning equipment works flawlessly this summer, there are a few steps to follow before turning it on for the first time.

1. Change the Filter

Chances are you probably haven’t changed the filter on your air conditioning equipment since last summer. Once a filter accumulates dirt, it gets clogged. This makes your air conditioner work harder than expected, which will result in inflated energy bills. Regardless of the type of AC unit you have, be it window unit or central air, be sure to change it at least once every three months or as recommended by a professional to ensure it’s fully functional.

2. Keep the Condenser Clean

The air conditioning condenser’s primary responsibility is to draw in air from the outside. During this process, the condenser sucks in whatever comes in its path—dead leaves, dirt, dust, insects, you name it. Cleaning the condenser before the start of the summer will leave your AC working effectively.

3. Check Exposed Ductwork

One of the major sources of cooling loss is ductwork leakage. Inspect the ductwork that supplies conditioned air to each room. Remember, not all your ductwork is installed behind the walls. Make sure all exposed ductwork is properly sealed and intact to prevent leakage. If you discover a problem, call a professional to air conditioning repair Oshawa it before turning on the unit.

4. Check the Air Vents.

Odds are you’ve transformed the looks of your home’s interior. In the process of moving furniture to a position that complements the interior design, you might have blocked vents and minimized the unit’s efficiency. It’s best to check air vents and remove any items blocking them.

5. Check Your Thermostat

When was the last time you checked your thermostat to determine if it’s outlived its usefulness? Consider replacing the thermostat if it’s faulty or out of date. Most modern thermostats are computer-controlled. Check the battery in the thermostat to see the battery level. It’s recommended you change the battery annually, specifically at the start of summer.

6. Check the Electrical

Make sure the breaker switch is functioning correctly. Switch it on to see if it stays on. If it breaks after a short while the unit is running, then the air conditioning unit has developed an electrical fault. In this case, you should call a professional technician to find and fix the issue. Also, if you notice any irregularities in the electrical wiring lines or connections, call a professional immediately.

7. Contact a Professional for Inspection

To guarantee your AC will be working at an optimal level, it is recommended that you get your AC inspected by a qualified expert. A professional HVAC contractor can inspect your unit and fix any problems before they escalate. By doing this, you can save yourself the stress of dealing with the summer heat. If you’re worried about the cost, there are many affordable technicians in your local area offering expert air conditioning service for less.

Experiencing a problem with your air conditioning unit during summer, the hottest time of the year, can be frustrating. It can make your home unbearable. Take care of your AC now before it gets too hot to ensure comfortable living for you and your family.

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