Family - Divine Magazine Positive, Wholesome & Family-Friendly Blog Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:53:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Family - Divine Magazine 32 32 7 Famous Elderly Couples Enjoying Their Retirement Sat, 28 Mar 2020 11:29:42 +0000 Love is a beautiful thing that doesn’t always have a happy ending. In fact, the vast majority of relationships simply do not work out. As sad as this fact is, there is always a good chance that a couple will last and be deeply in love for decades. Any attached person will understand that this […]

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Love is a beautiful thing that doesn’t always have a happy ending. In fact, the vast majority of relationships simply do not work out. As sad as this fact is, there is always a good chance that a couple will last and be deeply in love for decades.

Any attached person will understand that this would be a titanic challenge in itself. Therefore, we have decided to take a look at some famous couples who have been together for decades, or who have found each other in the later years of their lives.

Below are seven famous elderly couples who have been enjoying their time in retirement:

1. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

Having been married in 1988, these two lovebirds have been together for 31 years so far! The two met on the set of the 80’s sitcom Bosom Buddies. While the love didn’t start there, it would soon evolve with time.

Since their wedding in 1988, the two have welcomed children, battled the world, and had more than a few iconic roles between, all done together. Hanks and Wilson have in turn done a great job of shattering the dreaded Hollywood marriage curse many times over. Let’s just hope that things continue to go well for them!


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2. Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest

With a marriage occurring on December 18, 1984, this famous elderly couple has just celebrated their 35th anniversary! While congratulations on that occasion are due, we should remember that the start of this relationship actually had a pretty awkward and relatable beginning.

Curtis saw her future husband in Rolling Stone and became infatuated almost immediately. This led her to cold calling the director in true 80’s fashion… Only to very nearly never receive a call back.

While that may sting to some, the two luckily found each other when they locked eyes in a Hollywood restaurant, Hugo’s. Needless to say, Guest called her up the following day, and the two started their decades long marriage a half a year later.


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3. Keith Richards and Patti Hansen

The marriage of this rock n’ roll couple began on Keith Richards’ 40th birthday. On December 18th, 1983, a full year before Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest walked down the aisle, rocker Richards and model Hansen tied the knot.

While this famous elderly couple had a very rough road in their marriage, including two very scary cancer scares for Hansen, 36 years of wedded bliss speak volumes about their relationship.


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4. Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne

It is difficult to ignore the Prince of Darkness and his faithful manager when talking about famous elderly couples with long lasting relationships. The two met following Sharon’s father, Don Arden, taking a management role of Ozzy’s classic rock band, Black Sabbath.

Time moved on, Ozzy went solo, and the only person seemingly capable of keeping the rocker in check was none other than his lover, Sharon. The two married in 1982, and since then have held onto their relationship for dear life.

Through various controversies, a hectic reality show, and the ever wild life of a rock star, the dedication on display between them is enough to make anyone applaud.


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5. Meryl Streep and Don Gummer

Sometimes tragedy begets something wonderful in the end. Following the passing of Meryl Streep’s lover, John Cazale, the poor actress was in need of support. This is when she went to her brother’s close friend for a sturdy shoulder in a taxing time.

What she found has resulted in a marriage of love and dedication spanning four whole decades. Four children, a long and happy marriage, and plenty of prosperity for both have been side effects of the union so far, and hopefully things continue to look wonderful for them.


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6. Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn

While this relationship has not yet resulted in a marriage, this lovely couple is solid proof that vows do not have to be spoken in order for two people to become cemented in each others lives.

The love story between the two is quite long and complicated, however. They met on the set of a film called The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band in the year 1968. Sparks did not fly immediately, though. It would take another fifteen years of acquaintanceship before the two gave things a go. Now they are still together 36 years later!


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7. Julia Louise-Dreyfus and Brad Hall

Both very funny and award winning talents both in front of the camera and behind it, these two television stars were brought together by comedy. The pair simply kind of fell in together and fit like two missing puzzle pieces. Of course, they have not been pulled apart ever since their marriage in 1987.

Over 30 years later, the two are still going mighty strong, and have been finding great success in their perspective projects thus far. Which isn’t bad for an actress who was once subjected to the dreaded Seinfeld curse.


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6 Helpful Tips on How to Plan a Funeral Thu, 12 Dec 2019 13:46:55 +0000 Losing a loved one is probably one of the most trying times anyone can go through. Through funerals, family members, friends or other people who knew and were fond of the deceased can come together in honour and remembrance of the dead. They also get the chance to offer comfort and support to those closest […]

The post 6 Helpful Tips on How to Plan a Funeral first appeared on Divine Magazine.

Losing a loved one is probably one of the most trying times anyone can go through. Through funerals, family members, friends or other people who knew and were fond of the deceased can come together in honour and remembrance of the dead. They also get the chance to offer comfort and support to those closest to the deceased and each other.

Arranging a funeral is an emotional and sometimes gruelling process. However, this is an inevitable process. The burden of planning for a funeral will feel slightly better when you have certain steps and procedures in place. Here are some tips on how to plan a funeral as easily as possible:

1. Choose the Form of Disposition

When you plan a funeral, you must first decide on the form of disposition. Depending on the preferences of the deceased, religious beliefs, cultural and societal influences, you can choose to have a traditional burial, a cremation or a green burial. A conventional burial typically consists of embalming, viewing the body, a church service and, later, a graveside service and reception. This particular type of funeral is continually losing popularity owing to cost implications.

Cremation involves the use of heat to reduce a body to ashes. The cremated remains can be kept at home, scattered at a specific location or stored in an urn, which can either be buried underground or placed in a columbarium. While cremation is a less expensive option, it still holds the same value as traditional burial and may be accompanied by a home or church service.

If you are environmentally woke, go for the environment-friendly green burial, which returns the organic body compounds to the soil in a decent manner. This type of funeral is relatively recent, and you may, therefore, need to do a bit of research.

2. Visit your local Funeral Director

Upon deciding on the form of body disposition for your loved one, consult your regional funeral director to find out what funeral options are available to you. Some of the things you may have to consider the service venue and associated logistics, and the possibility of a select number of people viewing the body.

You’ll also need to decide whether or not the body will wear makeup (in a traditional burial), among others. Similarly, you could opt to deal with locally-managed funeral homes or nationally owned ones. A funeral director may also come in handy when filing required records and attaining relevant permits. They can navigate around local rules and regulations.

3. Order of Service

When you are in the process of how to plan a funeral service, make it as personal as possible to reflect the distinct personality and character of the deceased. Imagine what the dead would consider to be the ideal way to say goodbye and actualize that idea. While some families prefer to conduct religious funeral services, others go for secular funeral services held at a pre-determined location.

Besides, you could have a private funeral for the immediate family, and a separate memorial service for others. Determine the timings for the funeral program. Who will coordinate the service, the readings and the reader? Who will write and deliver the eulogy? What about the photographs, videos or other displays to be used at the service?

You also need to decide on the music to be played, and all things food and beverages, including who will provide them. Finally, establish who the pallbearers will be and if the funeral service will be recorded. You can add to this list anything else you feel would make the service as memorable and comforting as possible.

4. Donations, Flowers, or Both

People usually bring or send flowers when attending funerals. You may end up with too many flowers and no impactful contribution or gift from those attending the funeral service. If you prefer those attending the funeral to donate towards a worthy cause in memory of the deceased instead of bringing flowers, make your wishes known. Indicate how and where they should send their donations.

5. Research on Service Providers and Contact them

In this case, a service provider refers to local funeral homes, cremation providers or the cemetery. They can assist you in arranging the funeral and memorial services, provide you with information on the various products and service options, the costs involved, professional fees, creating a death notice and acquiring an official death certificate. Notify the service provider of other preferences you may wish to see implemented.

6. Consider the Available Payment Options

The total funeral costs are dependent on things such as the final body disposition and the type of funeral involved. You may use funds from your savings or funeral provider to cater to these costs, insurance, credit cards or a payable-on-death account at any financial institution. If possible, arrange how you would like the funeral expenses handled and settle the bills in advance to save the family the financial burden and stress.

The post 6 Helpful Tips on How to Plan a Funeral first appeared on Divine Magazine.
