You love the air conditioner in your home because it is responsible for keeping temperatures cool during hotter months. While at the beginning of the season you could feel the cool air in your home no matter what area in the house you were, as of late you notice that the unit is not bringing temperatures down as it should despite continuous operation. This is because even if your air conditioner is running around the clock, it will not reach the desired temperatures if certain steps are not taken. Below are 4 tips that if followed will allow your air conditioning unit to run as effectively as possible and allow your home to reach cooler temperatures.
1. Keep windows shut
Keeping doors and windows closed when you have your air conditioner running is common sense. However, some homeowners do not see the value in doing thing and keep them open or they may have spouses or children who open them and fail to close them again. Having your doors and windows open with the air conditioner on will fail to cool down the home as all of the cool air escapes through these areas.
When running your air conditioner, you need to keep all doors and windows closed. Even if you think they are closed, perform periodic checks in all rooms of the home. You may find on occasion that cool air is escaping through open doors and windows.
2. Close some vents
When your air conditioner runs, it is pretty efficient in providing cool air to all areas of the home. While this sounds beneficial, sometimes some areas of the home enjoy cooler air more than others. This can be problematic when the most popular, high-traffic rooms in your house are not cooling down while others that are used less are.
While your air conditioner is running, pay close attention to whether the rooms you use frequently are getting cooler. If they are not, you may want to do a check around the home to see where the cool air is going. If a lot of air is being pumped into little used rooms or the basement, close these vents off. This will re-route the air to the rooms that you want to feel it in the most.
3. Keep air filters clean
Your air conditioner has an air filter that captures a lot of dust and dirt. These ensure that clean, fresh, cool air permeates the house but they are ineffective in doing so when they are dirty and a lot of debris is stuck in their fins.
To ensure the air from your air conditioner is able to enter uninhibited into your home, you need to wash and replace your HVAC filters regularly. You can probably get away with washing the filters at least monthly but they need to replaced quarterly and bi-monthly if you have furry pets. The few minutes it takes you to wash or replace the air filter will ensure the air conditioner is not being overworked trying to push the air through the filters and will save you air conditioning repair Oshawa or replacement later on.
4. Keep unit clear
Just like you have to worry about air getting through your filters indoors, you need to be equally concerned about air getting into the unit from the outside too. If the air pathway to the unit is kept clear, it will not have to work as hard to cool down your home.
Every so often, inspect your air conditioner unit outside. Pay close attention to any leaves, grass, or other debris that may be preventing air from getting in. Make sure that if there are any trees or shrubs in the area that they leave at least 2 feet of space around the unit. This will make your unit run efficient and able to transfer air from the outside to the interior of your home.