The influx of new asylum seekers over the past few years leave many immigration lawyers scrambling to meet the needs of this at-risk population. Below are seven ways asylum seekers help the Canadian economy.
1. Provides a Pool of People Eager to Work
The largest majority of asylum seekers coming to Canada are on the move to find better economic opportunities. Often, they are coming from countries that are dealing with high unemployment rates and gang violence. Criminal enterprises are the only available employers Canada ends up with a large pool of people that are hungry to get to work at a good job.
2. Faster Canadian Work Permits
Many times a work permit for asylum seekers can be approved within 30-days. The system has been streamlined to answer to the needs of the employers in Canada and job-seekers that come across the borders. It’s a more symbiotic experience and fit.
3. Solutions for Labor Shortages
Areas like Quebec are wanting to limit the number of immigrants entering due to the abundance of workers per job openings. Other areas of Canada are experiencing a major shortage of available workers. Labor shortages can stunt the growth of the country and cause loss of revenue potential for Canada and the individual companies.
4. Answer to an Aging Population
Birthrates in North America are on the decline and the population is beginning to age. The outlook for Canadian society is dismal if the trend continues. Immigrants are an answer to an aging population and can bring a revitalized push for families and future Canadian citizens to keep the country growing and strong.
5. Fulfills Service Industry Job Market
Germany has spent a great deal of money entering asylum seekers into technology training programs to help them enter a more technology-based economy and job market. Canada is fortunate in having a greater need for service industry workers. It requires little training and expenditures before settling individuals into good jobs. For those of you interested in learning more, there are more resources to be found on the Bellissimo Law Group website.
6. Broadening the Tax Base
An increasingly aging population and fewer babies mean the tax base is steadily shrinking. Asylum seekers that get jobs can begin paying in taxes right away. It will help stabilize the tax system that is the backbone of the country.
7. Provide Pathways to Permanent Citizenship
The investments made in helping asylum seekers find a better life is the beginnings of creating new Canadian citizens. Most immigrants end up very involved and are proud to be a part of such a progressive and successful nation. Immigration lawyers help them determine the right path to take that leads to permanent citizenship.
The Canadian economy benefits greatly from the addition of available workers that appreciate the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families.