Have you taken a good look at each window in your home lately? Windows tend to wear out just like other features of the house. Now is a good time to consider having them replaced, especially if any of these four issues are present.
1. The Old Ones Don’t Work
Opening a window to let in some fresh air used to be easy. These days, it takes a lot of effort just to raise the sash. In some cases, you’ll also exert a lot of energy trying to close it later. You may find that getting it open is hard, but keeping it that way is even harder.
Windows that work properly are not a convenience; they are a necessity. Instead of putting up with the frustration that comes with sashes that don’t work properly, replace them. The cost per window will be more affordable than you think, and you can have fresh air without the hassle.
2. There’s a Draft
Even when every sash is closed, you still feel a draft. It’s worse when you stand near certain windows. Maybe that’s not a bid deal during the more moderate seasons, but those drafts make the house uncomfortable during summer and winter. The smart move is to replace those older window frames and sashes. Doing so will put an end to the drafts.
3. You’re Spending More on Heating and Cooling Costs
The reason your heating and cooling costs are steadily rising is not an increase in rates or a lack of insulation. Window frames and sashes that are in poor condition make it harder to control the temperature and humidity levels in the home. The heating and cooling system expends more energy in order to compensate. Instead of watching the utility bills continue to rise, look into a complete window replacement. You’ll see the difference in costs beginning with the first full billing cycle after the windows installation is finished.
4. The Old Windows Make the House Look Bad
No matter how much scraping, sanding, and painting you do, the older window frames and sashes still look a little tired. The visual effect is not limited to the sashes and frames. Even if the rest of the exterior is in excellent condition, they will make the entire home look a little less inviting and a little more in need of care. By opting for a full window replacement, the curb appeal of your home instantly improves. Even people who don’t immediately notice what you changed are likely to comment that the house looks better and ask what you’ve done.
These are only a few reasons to move forward with a window replacement project. Talk with a contractor and find out more about how the change will benefit you now and in the years to come. It won’t take long to decide that this is one home improvement project that should not wait.